Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hoping upon hope

The end of the semester gets me every time. For months I keep a running list of what needs to be done and when. I organize my books, papers, assignments, homework, and projects. Yet, it never fails, the mad scramble at the end of the semester to prepare for final tests, complete final projects, basically know everything that was supposed to be absorbed over the course of 3 months.
I know I am not alone, you can see the apprehension in the faces of students who are not ready for the end. Hoping upon hope that the professor will, for some reason, ignore the carefully constructed syllabus where the grading structure is clearly spelled out on the first day of class.
Sometimes the mad scramble to make up for a semester of neglect pays off. The ever looming deadline awakens the sleeping productive self. That's what I'm counting on anyway.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Greener Side

It really must suck to be grass. At this very moment, a billion dollar industry is gearing up to see people millions of dollars worth of stuff to torture grass. There is fertilizer, that combined with the rain and warming rays of the spring sun help you to grow big and strong.
Then the games start. After grass gets the royal treatment for a few weeks, the lawn-mower makes an appearance, loudly decapitating you and all your friends.
Green thumbs pull at the dirt, and bare feet trample. The weed whacker circles like a shark. 
And after all this torture, everything grass goes through…the neighbor’s yard always looks better.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Friendly Customer Service

I work at a local grocery store and also go to a gym locally as well. Chances are that I will run into someone I know at one place or the other. I expect if or when that happens, a friendly hello would do just fine. However, for some people it doesn't.

A frequent customer that comes into my job saw me at the gym and decided a friendly hello was not good enough. He had to introduce himself to my gym partner, and work out with us. Then when I walked away to use the cardiovascular machines he followed me. This had to happen on the one day I forgot my iPod. He continued to talk my ear off until I had to cut my work out short and leave the gym.

Please customers of Best Yet Market, do NOT disturb me when I am working out. Thank you.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite was well before my time. Like almost everyone, i have seen replays of his broadcast announcing the assassination of JFK. It was a man, behind a desk, reading the news. Like everything else regarding technology and communication, the way we get our news has changed. The 24 hour news cycle employs every type of new technology; interactive maps, use of social media, even holograms. Unfortunately, the telling of the news suffers. Opinion is rife in what is supposed to be an impartial profession.
Politicians make what can only be described as stupid comments. Rick Santorum includes his opinion that everyone having the opportunity to go to college is for "snobs". Now, depending on the news channel you frequent, I have heard him described as a true American, a real American, a regular joe. The option of the viewer to make their own opinion has been taken away. i could go on all day about Santorum.
The controversy over the shooting of Trevon Martin has turned into questions about the criminal intent of everyone in a hoodie, questions about why black on black crime is under-reported, and a slew of opinions on self defense and Florida's "stand your ground" law.
I'm tired of the news, I don't want to be riled up or outraged to increase ratings. I can't imagine Cronkite spending time talking about cute puppies. I want the news.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Onlookers jeer as man is beaten, stripped and robbed in Baltimore

    Of late a lot of Posts from XC have been white on black related crimes or incidents. Today's post stands to change this notion, I seem to find a lot of racial situations, not because I look for them but the news sources I subscribe to seem to always have great news topics. 

     This weeks Topic is an incident in DC that would be blown out of portion if it were the other way around. I was extremely disgusted while watching this video. We. (myself included) have complained about the way the whites have treated the blacks in  the past months, but to see this video and what was done also makes me sick to my stomach. This poor man in the streets of Baltimore standing on his own is harassed by women coming up to dance with him  in his drunken state. He is then robbed and assaulted by the other bystanders. Those that aren't a part of it recorded but did nothing to help the poor guy. he eventually walks back to his hotel room only to wake up the next day with no recollection of any of this happening and him losing almost 2000 USD worth of items he had on him. sadly this video has already hit YouTube and twitter, it might be the break in catching the perps in the video that did this heinous crime. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

KFC & Respect

I hate it when people on FSC campus bring their KFC to class. It is so hard not to pounce on them like a lion. I am trying so hard with my diet, and these daily struggles are horrible. Please do not eat your KFC in front of me. The smell of those greasy fries and deep fried chicken will haunt me in my sleep. They have a nice little eating area, and even tables outside where you can consume your food. Please do not bring it to class unless you have enough for everybody. Please have some respect for the other people in your class that are also hungry. Eat after class, or before. Please do not eat it DURING class time. I don't work my butt off to afford a college education only to not pay attention because of YOUR fries. Thank you.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Buffalo police office Littere

In light of the trayvon martin shooting and cover up, one would think that racism would be something people would shy away from. I went to a local lounge/ club called "Bottoms up" out in buffalo for the weekend for a friends birthday. The bouncers at this spot seemed to be very eager to start a fight or an altercation probably due to boredom, because every one just seemed to be focused on just having a good time. The patrons were the ones doing the guiding traffic in the club that was more packed than a sardine can. While enjoying ourselves in a corner of the club, a dread headed bouncer approached us, accusing that one of our guest pushed a random another guest, so we confronted him and told him that he had the wrong person because we were all just standing and enjoying each others company. After the club we went out for hotdogs right in front, to wait for everyone leaves the club or "Let out". While waiting we saw about 8 bouncers 7 of them white and one black the same dreaded young man from the club, who were chasing 3 black men, mobbing them and kicking them. While they were already on the floor.

In lieu of all this a random driver got his drivers side mirror knocked out of his white 2011 Buick. When this happened the driver stopped "because if I kept moving I would end up running them over" said Chris the driver "Once he approached the club with his complaint they played dumb" said michale E of buffalo "we proceeded to explain to their management but ended up being the marks, for being witness to the whole thing". Comes in Police Officer Littere who just pulled up from lord knows where, and started yelling degrading insults like " move you [bleeping] retards, you cant even speak english morons." I wasn't moved by any of the prior racist remarks from the club management but hearing this from office Littere, I was pissed, someone with that power would stoop so low as to be racist to us. We are all college educated people and come from respective homes. After all this was said and done officer Littere decide to take force to come to our packed car and arrest one of our friends that was speaking back to the a club staff member that insisted he was a cop; last I checked club security wasnt in any way related to being in the force and by law stating that you are an officer is a felony for impersonating of a law official. When my friend was arrested we asked about 3 or 4 of the arresting officers for the address for the holding cell, but they all gave us different addresses, Wouldn't you know where this is as an officer? I think that is just as bad as not knowing your Miranda rights. By the way which was not read to him upon arrest. These buffalo cops don't seem to be we suited to be the ones to protect the community with their stereotypical and racist mindset.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It has been four months and three days since I started my diet. I have come across many people that have annoyed me during this process. However, none of them annoys me as much as myself. I struggle with myself on a daily basis. Everyone says how simple I make it look. Let me tell you right now, this process is definitely not easy.
                I went to visit my grandmother, which is a bad idea when I am on a diet. She loves to bake. She made cookies, brownies, and a cake. That was after the three course meal for dinner. I have cheated on my diet. As much as I am embarrassed to say, I loved every bit of it. I am now angry that I have tasted the sweet glory of baked goods again; it has been very difficult for me to jump back on the diet train.
                So here is to you willpower: AAAarrrrggggg!!! Get stronger!!
