Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It has been four months and three days since I started my diet. I have come across many people that have annoyed me during this process. However, none of them annoys me as much as myself. I struggle with myself on a daily basis. Everyone says how simple I make it look. Let me tell you right now, this process is definitely not easy.
                I went to visit my grandmother, which is a bad idea when I am on a diet. She loves to bake. She made cookies, brownies, and a cake. That was after the three course meal for dinner. I have cheated on my diet. As much as I am embarrassed to say, I loved every bit of it. I am now angry that I have tasted the sweet glory of baked goods again; it has been very difficult for me to jump back on the diet train.
                So here is to you willpower: AAAarrrrggggg!!! Get stronger!!



  1. I know how you feel.. i gave up ice cream for lent and i am dying to have a bowl. My parents keep eating it in front of me and rubbing it in my face. only one more day!

  2. I know how hard it is to abstain from so many great and delicious foods! Cheat days are always good, don't get discouraged when you have one..just try your best to jump back into your workout routine! keep up the great work!!
