Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Facebook Update: At The Gym

As per my New Year’s resolution, I told myself I would lose weight. (Isn’t that what everyone does?) I have lost a total of 17 pounds since January 1st; which is not so bad. I did run into an obstacle however, that has gotten me really frustrated. It is not preparing my foods ahead of time, it is not giving up junk food, it is not the lack of alcohol I have been consuming, it is something far worse; The gym.

I don’t mind making time to go the gym, or even paying for it. It is my lack of patience when waiting to use a machine. I understand that people need to use the machines too, and I support them 100%. It is the fact that you are sitting on the abs machine that I want to use, while you are on your phone. This machine is to help me gain muscle in my core, not for you to use it as a chair and update your Facebook status. Yes, we all must know you are at the gym, maybe you should get a good workout in. Or maybe, just maybe, let me use the machine for something more useful.

Then, what aggravated me even more is after the ten minutes that I have waited patiently for you to get your reps in, (which you weren’t doing) I kindly asked, “Are you done with this machine?” The response I received really grinded my gears. You actually said, “Not yet.” You are CLEARLY done, go home. So, this is to you “gym user,” you really need to buy an abs machine for your house, so you can sit on it and text the night away. Stay out of my gym. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on losing 17 pounds! For new years I actually made a resolution to do the opposite. I am trying to put on mass. I was 150 before new years and now I am about 165. I have been taking mass gainer and going to the gym 5 days a week and it is really helping. Also by the way, I can't stand when people are on their phones at the gym and slacking off and slowing you down. You are there for one reason and one reason only. Get off your phone
