As you may know from my previous blogs, I am on a diet. As of today, I currently lost 20lbs. People are noticing and it makes me feel great. However, others are asking me how I did it, because they want to lose weight as well. I tell them my secrets (P.I.N.K. Method) and they complain and ask me if they can change "my plan" around.
You can do whatever you want to do; I am not here to be your mother. I tell you what worked for me, I am not you. You may not want to give up carbs, I did. If you don’t want to do what I did, that is fine, but don’t yell at me about it. I am not a personal trainer, I do not work for a gym, and I am not majoring in health care. I am just a normal person, on a diet.
Here is to the people that yell at me after asking for advice: leave me alone and do your own thing. Thanks.
It sounds similar to the atkins diet, my friend is on it, and she lives on eggs, cheese and meat. Doesn't sound healthy, but it definitely works.